Yourcegid Retail
A global provider of retail industry solutions for over 30 years
Cloud-enabled Point of Sale software designed for specialty retailers

Why choose Yourcegid Retail?
Yourcegid Retail is an innovative and multichannel solution that enables retailers of all sizes to:
OPTIMIZE their business process with a robust, flexible and advanced system.
IMPROVE information exchange for efficient decision making with a real time solution.
A modular and flexible solution tailored to fit your business model

A Tried and True Retail Industry Solution Found in:
Over 1,000 Retailers
Over 25,000 Stores
Over 75 Countries
Available in 28 Languages

Yourcegid Retail is more than your average point of sale can be reached beyond the aisles and stock room, and even outside the confines of the store itself, using mobile technology. This innovative solution improves efficiency (with increased sales and customer satisfaction) while reducing the time devoted to back office operation (inventory, shipping.receiving functions etc.). It can also act as an extra point of sale during peak trading periods.

CRM and Loyalty
Yourcegid Retail equips business owners with the tools needed to build relationships with their customers, firstly by effectively capturing and analyzing customer data, and furthermore by segmenting them accordingly. Yourcegid Retail can create targeted marketing campaigns based on previous purchases. The solution is also capable of managing multiple and simultaneous loyalty programs which in turn encourages higher market based value.

Web Access Technology
Yourcegid Retail is a Cloud based solution allowing for a new point of sale terminal to be up and running in a matter of minutes. So what does that mean to you, the business owner? Expect a lowered total cost of ownership as you would no longer need expensive server hardware on your end. Additionally, this allows for up to the minute reporting and decision making. And if internet connection is lost, the software runs in autonomous mode and synchronizes as soon as the connection is restored.